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Join date: Aug 21, 2023


Writing a bio about yourself is sometimes awkward and you never know where to start. I have not always been United Methodist, but it is in the United Methodist where I found healing, hope, and my calling into ministry. I served as student minister in the North Georgia Conference for a few years. I also served with the Wesleyan Church to become a church planter for several years. Later, I came back to my home in the UMC and have been a part of the now Tennessee Western Kentucky Conference for about eleven years. I hold 3 degrees from Liberty Theological Seminary, one being a MDiv in Pastoral Leadership. I am an Associate Member of the TWKUMC and am blessed to serve in this conference and the UMC. I am married to Robin for almost 29 years. Robin serves as the Administrative Assistant for the Cumberland River District. We have three great children: Emily 25, Christopher 22, and Lindsay 14. I look for to living into this great mission that God has for us: “To discover, equip, connect and send lay and clergy leaders who shape congregations that offer Christ to a hurting world, one neighborhood at a time.”

Rev. Sean Stanfield

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